Experience an Opportunity You Will Not Get Anywhere Else
As a part of the Cal Transportation Team, you will have the chance to engage in different training sessions that are pretty similar to what you will encounter in transportation design and consulting workforce. Some things you could learn are:
Drawing designs with design softwares such as AutoCAD and MicroStation
Communication between your fellow team members to clearly state your ideas with supporting evidence
Critical thinking to come up with the best possible solution to benefit the majority of the community
Consideration of all the external and direct costs of a project and their execution

Form Useful Connections with Industry Professionals
We, the members of the Cal Transportation Team, are not experts in the transportation field. Therefore, we rely on the guidance of qualified professors, graduate research students, and related company representatives to assist them with their projects. They often give us a different point of view of the situation and allow us to consider factors that we would not have noticed before.
These connections are useful not only during our projects, but also in the future. By showing them how well we work together as a team and how resourceful we are, they are able to refer us to a company with a job opening.

Build Your Own Communities Through Personal Bonds
The Cal Transportation Team promotes teamwork and collaboration with each other. There needs to be a lot of coordination and communication among team members in order to ensure that the project is planned out and designed smoothly well before our deadlines. Generally speaking, we learn a lot about every member and each of their work ethics within the first couple of weeks of the school year so we can utilize everyone to the best of their abilities.
So far, our love for food has been a great team bonding topic.